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Anti Aging

How Your Skin Can Benefit From Multi-Masking

Have you noticed that your T-zone tends to get oily but your cheeks lend themselves to be drier? Most likely you have combination skin. Don’t fret. This simply means that you have to find a product, series of products or establish a unique skincare routine that compliments each area of your skin. You’ve probably mastered the art of multi-tasking while tackling your skincare routine. After all, why wouldn’t you do laundry while wearing a 15-minute...

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The Essential Oils to Incorporate Into Your Skincare Routine

If you’ve been in tune with the skincare community for an extended period of time, you’re no stranger to conversations around the benefits of essential oils. In recent years, essential oils have continued to gain popularity among skincare, mental health and beauty circles.  So, the questions that remain are: should we consider folding oils into our skincare routines? And if so, which ones? What are essential oils?  Maybe you’ve heard of essential oils but you...

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4 Skincare Resolutions to Consider in 2020

“New Year, New Me!” By now, you’ve probably gotten your fill of self-proclaimed new year’s resolutions, memes and uplifting quotes your friends and family intend to accomplish in 2020. From implementing a keto-friendly diet and losing weight to quitting smoking and joining a gym, we’ve heard it all. If you haven’t jumped on one of those resolutions bandwagons, but are still searching for a resolution you can get behind, Urban Skin Rx has some skincare...

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Allure Magazine Crowns Urban Skin Rx Best of Beauty

Determining beauty brands to serve as the foundation of your skincare regimen can be completely overwhelming. However, the task is made easier with highly recognized editors, celebrities, and beauty bloggers testing products, scrutinizing ingredients, and ultimately sharing their winners with you. After all, who doesn’t want to be on the winning team when it comes to skincare and beauty products? On Urban Skin Rx’s behalf, I’d like to say, you’re welcome. You’re officially invited to...

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Should You Roll Crystals Into Your Skincare Routine?

In 2019, you can’t go to a yoga studio or a massage parlor without hearing something about the benefits of natural stones or crystals. What we used to view as decorative objects have quickly become the center of attention for spiritual healing, energy channeling/expelling, and now even skincare. While essential oils are far from being a thing of the past, crystal rollers have become just as trendy in skincare. What is a crystal roller? Glad you asked....

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Put a Wrinkle in Time: Slow Down the Clock on Aging

Did you wake up this morning and look in the mirror to find your reflection had a few more fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, or bags than you had just a year ago? You probably replayed all of the sayings about "age" you’ve been told time and time again: “Age ain’t nothing but a number.” “Black don’t crack.” “You’re as young as you feel.” “Like a fine wine, you get better with age.” Heard them...

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Why get under-eye fillers?

Long gone are the days of looking like a sleepy, permanent raccoon even when you’re well-rested! Whether your genes don’t work in your favor causing dark circles, or you’re living that perpetually tired life, there’s now help in the form of under-eye fillers. Here’s everything you need to know about under eye fillers before you give them a try.  Why do I have sleepy eyes? How do I get rid of my tired look? What are under-eye fillers?  ‘Dark circles’ is an umbrella term...

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Five Benefits of Kojic Acid

  What is Kojic Acid? Kojic Acid is derived from different fungi such as mushrooms and is also a by-product of the fermentation process of sake, soy sauce, and Japanese rice wine. In the food industry, Kojic acid is often used as a natural preservative…which in a way makes sense that some of the cosmetic benefits can be like preserving your skin.   Here are five potential benefits of this unique ingredient used in skincare....

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