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Skin Care Routine

How a Medspa Treatment Can Supplement Your Skincare Routine

Are you looking for ways to boost collagen naturally? Has childhood acne left visible scars? Have you wanted to get a mole removed for years? There are some skin challenges that your everyday skincare routine may not be able to overcome without some extra help. But when you supplement your skincare routine with professional medspa treatments, your chances of getting stubborn skin challenges under control increase. Discover the benefits a medspa treatment can have on...

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4 Skincare Resolutions to Consider in 2020

“New Year, New Me!” By now, you’ve probably gotten your fill of self-proclaimed new year’s resolutions, memes and uplifting quotes your friends and family intend to accomplish in 2020. From implementing a keto-friendly diet and losing weight to quitting smoking and joining a gym, we’ve heard it all. If you haven’t jumped on one of those resolutions bandwagons, but are still searching for a resolution you can get behind, Urban Skin Rx has some skincare...

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Take Your Skincare Routine on the Road

Picture it. You’re prepping for an upcoming holiday trip or vacation. You’re going through your list and you realize you haven’t considered how you’re going to keep up with your skincare routine while you’re away. A quick search for a vacation checklist shows that most people will end up packing their toiletry bags last. That’s why items like toothpaste, sunscreen and lip balm are often absent when you finally set everything out on a hotel...

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Protect Your Skin by Paying Attention to Your Diet

It’s no secret that the food we consume can impact our digestive system, alter our bacterial balance, and even affect the appearance of our skin. If you struggle with skin challenges such as acne, it’s important to pay just as much attention to your diet as you do your skincare routine. With the holidays being right around the corner, it’s completely normal to trade in your diet for a plate of home-cooked food. But before...

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Wear Your Skincare From Head to Toe

Are you embarrassed by troublesome bacne? Do you struggle with dry, itchy skin all over your body? It may be time to consider adding a few steps to your usual skincare regimen. A proper skincare routine isn’t just reserved for your face. In fact, if you want to achieve the ultimate glow, you should incorporate products that will enhance the appearance of your skin from head to toe. Now, thanks to Urban Skin Rx, you...

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Treat Yourself to an At-Home Spa Experience

After a long day at work, you’d probably love to drive straight from the office to the spa for a relaxing treatment. Unfortunately, time and money can often get in the way. If those are dilemmas you face, I’ve got great news! Thanks to Urban Skin Rx, you can now add a spa-level treatment to your skincare routine. The Dermapeel Smooth & Glow Treatment is a two-step system designed to eliminate fine facial hair, remove...

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Don’t Fall Into the Same Skincare Routine Each Season

The warm days of summer are officially fading away. If the cooler temperatures didn’t alert you, maybe you’ve noticed your skin changing. Is your summer Glow Up fading? Has your skin started to feel drier than normal? Are you applying lip balm every five minutes? Even though you’ve worked all summer to perfect your skincare routine, it may be time to switch up your products. As the seasons change, pay close attention to what your...

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Allure Magazine Crowns Urban Skin Rx Best of Beauty

Determining beauty brands to serve as the foundation of your skincare regimen can be completely overwhelming. However, the task is made easier with highly recognized editors, celebrities, and beauty bloggers testing products, scrutinizing ingredients, and ultimately sharing their winners with you. After all, who doesn’t want to be on the winning team when it comes to skincare and beauty products? On Urban Skin Rx’s behalf, I’d like to say, you’re welcome. You’re officially invited to...

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