Inclusive Clinical Skincare
Inclusive Clinical Skincare
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The GlowGetters Guide

What is an IPL photofacial treatment?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments are a breakthrough technology that will lead you to younger, firmer skin. The IPL procedure offers a powerful light source that is used for skin rejuvenation and has the ability to deeply penetrate the skin. Like the laser, it works by filtering various wavelengths of light to react with specific skin conditions, effectively stimulating skin regeneration in the epidermis as well as the dermis via increased collagen and elastin fiber...

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Do I need to wear sunscreen even on rainy days?

Do you want wrinkles, sagging, age spots? Of course you don’t! So, you absolutely, positively do have to wear sunscreen every day—even if it’s cloudy and raining outside. Even if you’re just at home or in an office all day! Your computer screen, fluorescent lights, and just every little UV ray coming through the windows still penetrate your skin. And that accumulates and adds up over time to premature aging and skin damage.You need at...

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How do I fight the cycle of super oily, with super dry, flaky skin?

Hormonal imbalance and increased production in the oil producing glands results in oily skin. When oily skin acts up, its obvious rough, shiny appearance and resulting blemishes (sometimes acne) give teens and adults alike, even more stress, and stress contributes to breakouts. Using products that dry out the skin seems like the obvious solution, but it isn’t.Cleansing 2-3 times a day (especially before bed and upon waking) with an antibacterial cleanser such as USRx Clear...

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Is There a Correct Order to Apply Your Skincare Routine?

If there is one question that I am asked most often, it would be the question of “In what order do I apply my products?” The skin absorbs products at different rates. After cleansing and toning, apply the products one at a time for maximum results, and allow a few seconds to penetrate before putting on the next product. This time will vary from person to person, depending on your skin and the climate you live...

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Do I really need to use an eye cream?

“Why can’t I just use my facial moisturizer around my eyes?” The thinnest skin on your body is the skin around your eyes. Because of this, signs of aging show up here more quickly than on other areas of the face. Skin under the eyes can be prone to puffiness if fluid builds up there — allergies and sinus problems can also cause the eyes to puff. When the epidermis becomes thinner and the underlying...

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