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Top 3 Skincare Challenges To Overcome In 2019

Break these 3 bad skin habits in 2019 featuring young woman of deep complexion
We get it. Putting in the work to find your perfect skin care regimen can be exhausting and intimidating. And then sticking with this regimen everyday is another challenge in itself! When it comes to your skin, patience is a virtue and consistency will definitely pay off. Here are three of the main challenges and inconsistencies to overcome. Your skin will thank you! 
  • Not being consistent with your daily regimen: Using your products DAY/NIGHT increases your chances of seeing change & improvement sooner.
  • Not making changes as needed: Now this is where we sometimes fall short when it comes to our skin. We think because our skin is oily in the Summer, we can use the same products all year long. This is not the case. If your skin is dry, choose products for dry skin, complete those products, then choose the products for your skins current state and skin type. This will ensure your skin is getting what it needs and not enduring damage from using the wrong product for you.
  • Not sticking with it: When you constantly jump from new product to new product, you never give a formula the chance to do what it’s designed to do. Amazing results rarely happen overnight – they can take weeks to appear. That’s because the average life cycle of a skin cell is about 28 days. You need to give your products a chance to do their job. In the end, the payoff is much better: younger-looking, brighter, clearer and healthy skin.

Are you in need of some advice on how to find a complete regimen for you? Check out our skin analysis quiz or chat with our expert Estheticians now!

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