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Starting With The Basics For Skin Care

Two woman of fair skin tone sitting side by side on a ouch smiling and looking shocked

Skin care can be SUPER overwhelming at times.  There’s so many products to choose from; how are you supposed to know what your skin type is, and how many times a day do you need to cleanse your face? Skin care is extremely important but we’ve discovered that not a lot of people know the basics.  Maybe your mom told you to wash with regular soap.  Maybe you think because you have acne and oily skin you should never moisturize.  Or perhaps you don’t even know the proper way to dry your face?  We are here to help! Whether you are young and just starting to care about your skin, or you’re older but never really learned the basics, these 3 tips will get you on your way to begin a proper skin care routine.

1.       Start with a Gentle Cleanser. Did you know that it’s a great idea to use a mild facial cleanser when you’re just starting to cleanse?  This can help you to avoid issues such as dry skin, clogged pores, and even acne! Avoid using the soap for your body on your face; it can over dry your skin, leading to oil production, acne and other damage. Two options we offer is the Clean and Glow Cleanser and the Anti-Aging Bar.  Don’t let the name fool you, the Anti-Aging bar is perfect for all ages! It’s a gentle formula but still contains a little bit of salicylic acid to help clear up any minor breakout you might have!  It’s a good rule of thumb to wash your face morning and night. Gently pat face dry with a clean towel before adding other products.

2.       Follow with a Toner. Toning your skin is important to remove dead skin cells, dirt and to clean out your pores.  If you don’t know the first “add-on” to purchase to add to your routine a toner is a simple addition to boost your skin’s health! Try our pH Balance Toner for all skin types!

3.       Finish with a moisturizing SPF. It doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is or if you burn or tan: always, always, always wear a moisturizing SPF sunscreen! It helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles, dark marks, uneven skin tone, and most importantly skin cancer. Even though men and women of color have a natural SPF of about 13 in their skin, that’s not enough to prevent skin cancer and once diagnosed, they are more likely to pass away from the disease, due to the fact they are normally diagnosed in later stages.  So find a facial SPF that you love and wear it religiously! Try the DermShield SPF for a mattifying moisturizer.

We understand skin care can be very overwhelming but we are here to help! Starting off with these three steps can get you started in the right direction.

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