Your Vote Is Your Voice

Six months ago, who would’ve guessed we’d be dealing with two pandemics - one of racism and social injustice, and one of the body, COVID-19. Yet, here we are and both are being amplified by the upcoming presidential election Tuesday, November 3.
According to research, “Black people were three times more likely than white people to contract the coronavirus, six times more likely to be hospitalized as a result and twice as likely to die of Covid-19.” Additionally, data published by Statista Research Department on July 31 of 2020 show that in the U.S. between 2015 and 2020, “The rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of the population.”
Two very different and staggering statistics that reveal the harsh reality that Black and Brown people in this country suffer from systemic racism on multiple fronts, from healthcare to the justice system. Your voice and your vote matter more than ever. Now is not the time to turn the other cheek and hope that the current state of the nation will fix itself, but it is the time to act.
So what do you need to know or do prior to the big day? Here’s a rundown.
Make sure you’re registered to vote. Not sure if you’re registered? Don’t let the opportunity to be heard pass you by. Make sure you’re registered to vote online, it’s simple and easy! If you’re not registered, get registered! Registration deadlines are Friday, October 9, 2020 (online), Friday, October 9, 2020 (by mail) and Saturday, October 31, 2020 (in person).
Find out if your state allows early voting. The early bird gets the worm! If your state allows early voting you can get ahead of long voting lines and cast your vote ahead of time.
Educate yourself. Make sure you take the time to get to know all of the candidates you’re voting for. Most of us are mostly concerned about who’s going to be the president but you can also look up your ballot to gain further insight into who else is going to be on it.
Plan ahead for mail-in voting. If you’re planning to vote by mail, send in your ballots early so you can ensure that your voice will be heard!
Find your polling place. Look up your polling place ahead of time so you don’t miss out on the polling process.
In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” This year is our time to change what the next four years of our country will look like. We can do it, and we can do it together.
Urban Skin Rx®’s Ongoing Commitment to Social Change
As a company that serves the Black community, Urban Skin Rx® understands that it’s our responsibility to not only speak up, but to also take action when marginalized communities are facing injustice.
In addition to taking many opportunities to educate ourselves, friends and family on the impact of systemic racism and encouraging everyone we can reach to vote for change, we donate annually to organizations committed to creating social change. We understand that donating is just one step toward a better future, but we’re fully dedicated to continuing to stand up and fight for the greater good. We will not stop learning, growing and pushing for social change and racial justice.
For other information on non-profits and to get involved, check out our Non-Profits We Support page dedicated to sharing current and ongoing initiatives we support.