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Stubborn Dark Marks Got You Down?


African American model of deep complexion examining her skin in the mirror and focusing on her dark marks


Dark marks and acne scars are something that almost everyone deals with no matter what your skin tone.  If you're like me, you probably have at least one mark that just seems to never go away! The zit itself is frustrating enough but when it heals and still leaves a mark, it can be infuriating.
Trust us we completely understand. There are 3 things to make sure you are adding to your regimen to assist with the hater marks. 
Make sure to exfoliate! Exfoliation is key for a healthy complexion and especially to get rid of and prevent blemishes. It helps shed layers of dead skin on the surface allowing new, blemish free skin to come to the top.  By doing this you are helping the corrective products in your regimen have a better chance to penetrate the skin. But be sure not to over exfoliate.  Sometimes clients feel like they have to scrub their face to see faster results, but really you are causing more harm than good.  The ingredients in the cleansing bars are exfoliating and the sponge is exfoliating, so by gently cleansing the skin you are still going to see great results. 
Using an SPF of at least 30 is going to help prevent dark marks from getting darker.  If you are investing in cleansers, serums, and other products to fade dark marks and hyperpigmentation but aren't using an SPF as your last step in the morning, you might as well flush all your money down the toilet.  The sun's rays (even if it's cloudy, and even filtered through windows) make dark marks darker.  So all the hard work you are putting into your regimen is getting reversed if you aren't protecting your skin with sunscreen! 
Another great item to keep in mind is Vitamin C. This ingredient is extremely powerful in reversing sun damage, fading dark marks and brightening the skin.  It's also good for your immune system! We love using the Super C Brightening Serum during the day as a layer right underneath our DermSheild SPF Moisturizer.  You can also get a daily dose of Vitamin C with our Even Tone Support Supplements to help give an extra boost to your skin care regimen from the inside out! 
For really stubborn dark marks find a local reputable medical spa in your area like Urban Skin Solutions to talk about the possibility of chemical peels or a Clear and Brilliant laser treatment. 

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