Inclusive Clinical Skincare
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Now What? How to Continue to Fight Racial Injustice

illustration of three hands of diverse skin tones displaying the Black Power hand gesture

Just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get worse, it did. And now here we are once again, trying to make sense of what it means to not only be dealing with a pandemic of disease, but also the pandemic of racism.

You’ve cried. You’ve protested. You’ve posted a black square for #BlackoutTuesday. And yet here you find yourself asking the question, now what?

You’re not alone. Whether you’re a member of the black community or an ally, it’s completely normal to feel like no matter what you do, it isn’t enough and you struggle to figure out what steps to take next.

Don’t give up. The fight for a brighter future isn’t hard to find especially at a time like this where many are committed to highlighting resources, organizations, events and conversations that you can take part in. We’re just here to help you locate a few next steps on your journey toward continuing the fight on racial injustice and becoming a true change-maker.

5 Steps You Can Take to Keep Fighting Racial Injustice

Fighting racial injustice looks different for everyone. For some, it’s showing support at a protest. For others, it’s in the form of a donation. And for others, it’s engaging in tough conversations. Whatever route you take, the most important thing to keep in mind is that every form plays an important role in creating change, the key is to never stop.

If you’re looking for ways to continue the fight against racial injustice, here are five ways you can take action now:

      1. Educate yourself and others.
        It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers or if you don’t understand the complexities of systemic racism. One of the most effective ways we can begin to create change is to educate ourselves and others. Watch relevant movies, read literary works, sit in on lectures (or virtual panels) and engage in conversation. We must hold ourselves accountable for seeking out information and sharing resources about the system of racism with your community.
      2. Donate to funds and support initiatives created for Black lives and protesters.
        There are many organizations on the frontlines of the fight to end racial injustice and police brutality. Seek them out, follow them, sign up for newsletters, sign petitions and share them with your friends and family. Here are a few to get you started:
        Black Visions Collective George Floyd Memorial Fund I Run With Maud
        Reclaim the Block Campaign Zero NAACP Legal Defense Fund
        Know Your Rights Camp Black Lives Matter American Civil Liberties Union
        Minnesota Freedom Fund Communities Against Police Brutality Color Of Change
      3. Listen to, amplify and support black voices.
        From activists and leaders to creatives and business owners, there are a plethora of black voices needing to be heard. Listen to them, amplify them, share them, learn from them and support them.
      4. Engage in conversation.
        It’s not enough to say “I hate that happened” or “I’m not racist.” You must engage in conversations with your friends, your family and people from other races, backgrounds and cultures. Many of those conversations will be uncomfortable, but that’s what it takes. We must listen to one another’s stories and learn, especially when stories don’t align with the minority experience.
      5. Vote!
        Now more than ever, it’s critical that we stand up, speak out and vote for change! Do the necessary research to figure out which candidates you stand behind and show up when it’s time to cast your ballot. We have the power to change what the next four years look like.

We understand that these are just a starting point to keep the conversation and momentum going. Don’t stop here. Keep challenging yourself to find other ways to take action and make a difference.

What Urban Skin Rx Is Doing

As a company that is dedicated to serving the Black community, Urban Skin Rx understands that it’s our responsibility to not only speak up but to also take action when marginalized communities are facing injustice.

In addition to donating annually to organizations committed to creating social change, we recently pledged to donate 100K across these organizations: Trayvon Martin Foundation, Campaign Zero, Color of Change, Black Lives Matter and Black Visions Collective. This is a part of our ongoing commitment to standing up for racial injustice. We will not stop and neither should you. Let’s keep learning and growing together.

For other information on non-profits and to get involved, check out our Non-Profits We Love page dedicated to sharing current and ongoing initiatives we support.